News and Events

Superbowl 2025 Pep Rally – presented by Ms. Cirillo and Mr. Wagenborg

Click HERE to watch the Youtube video we livestreamed

Opening Scren of the Pep Rally "Go Eagles"

Opening Screen with CheerleadersOpening Screen with Cheerleaders with One Arm RaisedCheerleaders holding a sign that says "Let's Hunt!"Cheerleaders Opening the Assembly

Cheerleaders in the aisles of the assemblyCheerleaders holding a sign that says "Go Birds"

Students in the assembly holding a sign that says "We Are the NFC CHampions"
Click HERE to watch the Youtube video we livestreamed.Fell School’s Annual Lunar New Year Celebration – presented by Ms. Garrick, Ms. Busch and Mr. Cho

Click HERE to watch the Youtube video we livestreamed.

Mr. Ashe beginning the assembly and introducing performers.A lion dancer in red up close.

3 lion dancers on stage.3 lion dancers with heads held up high on stage.

3 lion dancers on stage.Principal Ashe with the lion dancer performers.

Student beginning her Vietnamese Lotus Dance

Student performing a Vietnamese Lotus Dance

3 students reading New Year's Day poems

4 students performing a Chinese folk dance4 students performing a Chinese folk dance.

D. Newlin Fell Orchestra performing Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower)D. Newlin Fell Choir singing Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower)


D. Newlin Fell Orchestra and Choir after performing

Lunar New Year 2025 PerformersLunar New Year 2025 Performers2 Lunar New Year Performers after the performanceCONNECT WITH US ON CLASS DOJO! – CLICK HERE

Congratulations to our own Mrs. Rohland (ESOL Department) for receiving an Accelerate Philly Award at this year’s ceremony for perfect attendance!  Way to go Mrs. Rohland!



Fell students attend Stringfest

D.N. Fell Annual Spelling Bee – 2/09/24

Our annual spelling bee was held today!  Congratulations to our winner, Nathan Yaw as well as coordinator Ms. Busch and judges Ms. Venditti and Maite Sabas-Ventura!

Watch the intense competition HERE

Fell Celebrates Career Day – 2/02/24


Fell Celebrates Mothers’ Day with our annual Muffins With Mom!

Fell Students competed at the Penn Relays on 4/28/2023!


Fell School Celebrated Pi Day on 3/14!  Some of our favorite staff members took some pie in the face for pi!



Fell Student wins a spot in Scripps National Spelling Bee!  Details HERE


Today our staff kicked off the celebration of our 100th anniversary!  Let’s hear it for 100 years of academic excellence at D. Newlin Fell Elementary!





Classroom News

  • Please visit for “Parents & Students” section of the website to view your Classroom Supply Lists for the 2022-2023 school year.

Fell School is Newsworthy!