
To ensure a safe and orderly environment for our students and staff, at Fell, we adhere to the policies under the headings on the left of this page. If you have questions after reading the information, please refer to the School District of Philadelphia’s CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT and/or the D.N. FELL SCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK that is distributed within the first few weeks of a new school year.

Admission Requirements –

1. Locate your catchment school HERE

2. Gather your documents –

  • Birth Certificate for child/children
  • Immunization/Shot Records for child/children
  • Valid Photo ID of Parent/Legal Guardian
  • Valid Proof of Address (2 forms)

3. Register online or at the school.

4. For more information click HERE

Morning Line-Up, Regular Dismissal and Requests for Early Dismissal

  • Daily Morning Line Up
    •     Report to the schoolyard by 8:45
    •     Children participating in the breakfast program report between 8:30 and 8:55
    •     Assemble in the Auditorium by 9:00
    Afternoon Dismissal
    •     Dismissal is at 3:39
    •     Parents wait in the yard for their children
  • Rooms 100, 107, 103 and 104 will be dismissed from the auditorium
    •     Ninth Street exit for rooms: 201, 203, 204, 300, 301, 302, 304 and 310
    •     Hutchinson Street exit for rooms: 106, 108, 207, 208, 209, 305, 306, 307, 308, and 309

Requested Early Dismissals
•    A note or appointment card should be brought to the office for verification of the appointment.
•    A parent must sign the child out in the office.  All early dismissals must be before 3:15 PM.

Latenesses and Absences


•     After 9:00 a.m. obtain a late note from the assistant at the desk in the first floor hallway.
•     Repeated lateness keeps a child from receiving a Citizenship Award and may result in disciplinary consequences.
•     Lateness becomes part of the student’s permanent record.

•      Students must bring a note when returning from an absence.
•      The note should state:
◦    Child’s complete name
◦    Date of absence
◦    Reason for absence (personal illness, death in family, religious holiday)


All children are eligible for a free hot lunch that is prepared each day in our cafeteria.
Recess and Lunch are combined and last for one 45-minute period for grades K through 8.
Lunch times for the various grades are as follows:

  • 11:00-11:45 kindergarten, first, and second
  • 11:45-12:30 third and fourth
  • 12:30-1:15 – fifth and sixth
  • 1:15-2:00 seventh, and eighth

School Uniform

The Fell School uniform consists of a navy blue top and tan bottom. Navy sweats are permitted on gym days. Children who are not in school uniform cannot remain in the classroom. They are sent to the main office to wait for you to bring the uniform. Occasionally students will be permitted to dress down.

Behavior Concerns

Refer to The School District of Philadelphia Code of Student Conduct that explains students’ rights and responsibilities, as well as levels of offenses and the consequences for violations of the Student Code.   See below for translations of the Student Code of Conduct:






The school counselor is available for individual and small group counseling as well as parent conferences.
After-school detention, if warranted, is given to all students, whether they ride a bus or not.
When warranted, suspensions are given whether a parent works or not.